Solink Brushless PTW Motor (Shipping starting by the end of November)


Availability: In Stock

These is the ultimate upgrade you can and must do in your beloved PTW. There are NO disadvatages by installing one of these. The benefits are: -Much stronger, sou you can pull springs up to M165 without even feeling it slowing down -Snappynes, your PTW will cicle 2 times faster, making the followup shots much …

Availability: In Stock

These is the ultimate upgrade you can and must do in your beloved PTW.

There are NO disadvatages by installing one of these.

The benefits are:

-Much stronger, sou you can pull springs up to M165 without even feeling it slowing down
-Snappynes, your PTW will cicle 2 times faster, making the followup shots much more fast and consistent.
-Less battery drainage, these motors are much more efficient at energy consumption, making bateries lasting forever.
-No presense of consumables such as brushes, or commutator.
-No heat on the grip
-No magnetism on the grip
-Cheaper than other brushed PTW motors.